Saya sungguh berada di dalam keadaan dilemma... Which is nak kerja or x.. Ikutkan hati mmg rsa nak keje, tgk kawan2 g audit company ni company tu... Jumpa client ni client tu, sgt jeles ok....
Asked Wawz a few times,jawapan dia tetap sama, it's up to u, tp x brape galakkan.. Dia kata insyaallah mampu lg nak tanggung anak bini, n xnak Iman selalu sakit if berjangkit kat bdk2 nursery,kalau kena anta nursery...
So sgt berbelah bahagi,antara nk practice ilmu yg ada n kerja or just stay rmh,urus rumah n jaga anak...
Lebih2 lg,when u r in between ur family yg working in a professional job...
Exhibit A:
My dearest husband working as shown below
N work here
Exhibit B:
My one n only kaklong...
Working as:
N work almost every time here.....
Sungguhla bestnye kan kerja,tp my husband always said,org yg xkeje mmgla ckp mcm tu,org yg keje ni hah, rasa nk brenti je huhu....
But when I read in the newspaper stories like this,
My heart shattered n terus stop thinking about applying any jobs...
N the worst thing that I never want it to happen is
Nauzubillah... Xblh bygkan I'm in that situation... Leave Iman to any childcare centre n go to work,n sumthing like that happen...
Of course I want to have my own salary sume kan, gaji husband still alhamdulillah cukup utk satu family in a keadaan sederhana,xlebih n xkurang....
So, I rest my case, I'm not going to work as long as I don't have to... I just want to be a housewife with a professional qualification...huuu
I wanna watch every development of my son...N maybe his adik 2-3 years akan dtg...
Bila husband xgalakkan tu,maknanya xbg la kan... So lgla xpayah kerja kalau husband xredha....
But I was hoping that my plan to open a business could somehow become a reality... Insyaallah.. Dgn izin Allah n suami