Haluuuuu .... long time no see..... I think I'm back n hopefully will continue blogging mcm before nih... ohmaiii start puasa lgsung x sentuh laptop .... Mood nak hapdet pun sama puasa..
But xde cerita sgt pun nak story... for now kena jaga my sick baby Iman Hadif manja ni... ngs ok tgk dia sakit.... xtau kenapa,bgn tido minum susu pastu muntah 5x hari ni, diikuti cirit birit...
Papa dia yg over dh nak admit ward dh sbb xpnh nmpk bdk comel ni flat begitu skali
for a few hours he wont stand up n play....
But Alhamdulillah, dgn rawatan sendiri, n visit from aunty2 dia, menghappykan Iman yg dh makin ok..
Hopefully he's going to be healthy and cheerful tomorrow...