In Diet


 As I posted this post ,it has been 5days since I tried Alpha Lipid Sd2

 Ni rupa shake belum digoncang

N ni yg dh shake...

Up to 3 days I tried this meal supplemet, so far still belum tunjuk anything positif...

Little that I know, their meal program exactly likes atkins diet...

Seriously,dh pernah try pun atkins ni, turunla 2kg dlm 2 hari, but x last long la,sbb too much food mengelilingi saya..

Cara makan dia ,b4 breakfast,lunch,dinner n supper u must drink this... xboleh makan carbs, nk makan boleh tp kurang dr 35g, xtaula exact bykmcm mana carbs 35g tu.. 

Blh mkn any daging,sayur, tp xblh mkn carbs like nasi,mee,mihun,kuey tiaw.. n xbrapa galakkan makan buah...

 makanan yg aku try

Breakfast sausage blh, sbb protein

Lunch ayam,sayur n belacan

So hari Khamis ,iaitu 4 hari lepas start minum ni, my weight x tunjukkan penurunan.. xtaula ape masalah,terlebih carbs dr kuah2 ke ape ke, last2 sbb mcm dh half give up so mkn je balik mcm biasa, g secret recipe mkn tomyam noodle n cake vanilla strawberry...

Haha,so there goes my diet with alpha lipid sd2...I don't really get the benefit,kalau diet dia sebijik atkins,so baiklah buat atkins je, I tried atkins b4 n manage to lose 2 kg in 2 days, tp alpha lipid ni nan hado.. xturun lgsg..

But it will help u to get discipline kot.. kena minum air byk,low carbs n all... ikut org jgkla produk2 ni sbnrnya.. as for me xsesuai kot.. so start esk, I will try my last 4years punya hardcore diet..

much love....

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