Wednesday, March 26 2025



Still xhabis2 lagi cerita pasal nak resign and jaga anak kat rumah..Planning nya bersalin bulan 9. masuk kerja balik bln 11. Awal bln 12 bagi notis and kerjala smpai hjung bln 12.Masa bln 12 tu mintak my mom jaga sebab tgh cuti sekolah. She's a teacher btw.

Thennnn start January 2015,I will be a stay at home mother again. I have been working for 1yr plus now. Before tu mmg fulltime housewife. Then buat biz jual baju baby. June last year baru start kerja as account exec. Sbb keje,ayah pencen n dia ddk skali, sbb Iman dh besar mintakla ayah jaga.Xdela smpai kena hantar nursery.

Tapi what I fear the most is kebosanan.. huu.. I can't remembered well but my husband said I used to cry when I was a full time housewife sbb kebosanan. Duk mengadu kt suami yg tgh bz kerja bosannn, balik nnt nk suh husband bwk jln..

Insyaallah I will do solat istikharah.. mintak diberi petunjuk or kemudahan nk pilih. Sbb still dlm dilema adalah kerja sgt sng. Majoriti staf dh pindah Johor. So tggal me n one director. Masuk office dlm 9.30, balik sharp pukul 5. Kerja pun just tlg2 director tu je. Kalaula nk kerja I prefer to find a maid/pengasuh yg datang rumah pukul 9-4 pun xpe, sbb ayah ada, mak pun blk kerja awl. Ofis dgn rmh pun mmg dkt, nak blk 10min smpai dh...

So teramat sgtla konfiusnya.. Haritu dh mmg determined nk resign. tiba2 berubah fikiran plak. mcm nk cari kerja yg boleh buat dr rumah je,online biz ke,jual nasi lemak dpn rmh ke kalau nak resign pun.. Ya Allah pls give me guidance kat hambamu yg confuse ni...


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