As a mother u always wanna use the best product for your baby..... from clothes, shampoo, body wash, hairbrush, and also diapers.....
My baby is 9month old now.... and all this while we never use any other brand for diapers except mamypoko.... Some called it as mamipokai... mana xnye, diapers yang boleh tahan paling lama 2 minggu harga RM55.90........
Setakat ni mmg xpenah pun nak try tukar diapers... tp Iman ni kadang2 allergic jgk kt mamypoko ni, ada merah2 kt kangkang dia... other than that ok
Tp kalau yak2 kadang2 bocor gak belakang,yela kalau dh bnyak,dia berak dlm keadaan duduk or baring mmg ternaikla kan....
So housewife yg xde keje sgt kt rmh ni mulala gatal tgn nk try diapers jenis lain.... drypers ada yg ckp mmg sng bocor n x elok... huggies pun so so je....
then I bought this
Selama ni mmg ada nampak org bli fitti ni byk2.. tp cm xberminat sbb packaging x cantik...boleh dok huhu... yg petpet tu plak xsuka nama dia haha
For 9 months pakai ni xpenah tukar.... Meh beza harga sume size L tp isi kandungan lain2
Mamypoko L- harga RM55.90 paling murah kalau sale 42.00, isi- 56pieces
Fitti L - harga 29.90 paling murah 26.90, isi 68
petpet L - ambik yg sikit tkt xsuka, RM20 utk 24 keping
Rupa diapers ini from left fitti, petpet n mamypoko
So I started using the various brand of the diapers....
and the result isssssssssssssssssss........
I hate it......... Fitti tu dia mcm jenis gel.... For ladies mesti tau kan kalau pad yg ada gel tu, bila nak basuh jd kembang sbb ada gel... so mmg xbest..... and kalau poopoo senangla bocor kt kangkang,hbs sluar, aku pun hangen..... pastu dia punya poopoo xmelekat kt diaper, still ada kt bonbon kalau tanggalkan
Petpet pulak 2x5 je.... Ingatkan ok sbb hargabeza 10rgggit kot dr mamypoko... rupanya sama je... ada 1 time tu pakaikan dr mlm bila bgn pukul 8 pg tgk masyallah.... basah kuyup jenis lencun punya... hbs tilam.... kalau pakai mamypoko kembung cmne pun diaper tu kul 10 pg xtukar pun x bocor
So kesimpulannya I will stick with mamypoko selagi boleh.... Hazab ok klau kluar pkai any of those diapers... kompem bocor kalau yakyak... dhla aku ni jenis xbrape nk bwk baju lebey kalau kluar...
Ada skali tu bcor smpai sluar,xde sluar lebih, smpai kakak aku yg ada time tu kena basuh pastu try keringkan kat hand dryer, tp mmg still basahla kn...
so aku mmg xmola bereksperimen lg, stress haku... mmgla ada mommy2 yg ckp buat pe byr mahal2 utk benda yg guna utk najis ni kan.... tp kalau dh quality xbrape nk elok, hbs bocor,kalau nsb x baik dgn aku skali kena cemano tu???
ok tu je, to my readers yg blum ada anak tu sorry ye topik xbrape nk menarik....
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