Last entry was 2014. Lamanya x update blog. Rasa malu pula bila baca2 balik entry2 lama. What to update ya. Hmm I am still working. I got 2 kids now. Iman and Zahra. A pair. Alhamdulillah. Will update more soon. Pasal vacation, works, life and so on. Now...
Still xhabis2 lagi cerita pasal nak resign and jaga anak kat rumah..Planning nya bersalin bulan 9. masuk kerja balik bln 11. Awal bln 12 bagi notis and kerjala smpai hjung bln 12.Masa bln 12 tu mintak my mom jaga sebab tgh cuti sekolah. She's a teacher btw. Thennnn...
I'm in 3rd trimester now.. phewww..Time sure flies really fast.Rasa baru je check upt positive. Alhamdulillah both my pregnancy experience went by really smooth. No morning sickness, no bleeding, no cravings . I'm so blessed. Untuk pregnancy kali ni, berdoa banyak2 supaya dapat bersalin normal. The first pregnancy...
I have been working for almost a year now. I never thought that I'm going to work after having a child.. Dulu before dapat Iman mmg ada apply few jobs sbb saja nak test hehe.. Alhamdulillah rezeki murah within 1-2 weeks dpt kerja and also panggilan dari SPA...
Assalamualaikum.... Mood nk blogging ntah ke mana je skrg ni.. One of the factor sbb kerjala kot. Balik rumah dh penat,layan anak,mmg x berupdatela ini blog. So back to the post title. Maybe some of you know and some of u don't. I'm pregnant with my second child....
It's almost a year x update blog... Isk3. . Why? Sebab dah jadi ibu berkerjaya.. ececey.. Kerja dgn ini company: Dah kerja almost 8months. Nak jadikan cerita semuanya sbb rezeki. Ada kwn tnya nk kerja ke x,dia dpt offer but dh dpt keje lain ,then email resume terus...
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I'm Back......
Last entry was 2014. Lamanya x update blog. Rasa malu pula bila baca2 balik entry2 lama. What to update ya. Hmm I am still working. I g...